Crescent Cemetery - Updates & Changes

  • Mowing season is over.
  • Maximum headstone height is 32".
  • Foot-stones: Foot-stones have never been allowed in the cemetery, however many have been installed over the years. Last year in a meeting with the cemetery board & local Imams, it was agreed that new foot-stones will not be allowed. Foot-stones that have been installed, will be removed if required to dig a new grave. The stone will not be re-set, but will be placed up by the shed, & the family will have 30 days to re-set it, in the correct place. If not, it will be discarded. Foot-stones that have been broken or damaged cannot be replaced. Foot-stones with no family in the area, may be removed at the cemetery's discretion. Foot-stones cause extra cost & problems for the cemetery - from mowing, trimming, access with equipment, sprinkler coverage, & a very congested look. Thank you for your understanding.

Welcome to Crescent Cemetery

We are pleased that you are considering us for your loved one’s final internment.  Crescent Cemetery is a publicly funded special maintenance tax district and is not for profit.  We will provide perpetual care for the plot and surrounding area.  This includes mowing and trimming around headstones during the growing season, and removal of dead flowers and decorations all year round.  We strive to maintain the cemetery as a beautiful and peaceful place, so you can enjoy the surroundings when you visit.  When you do visit, please walk carefully. There are areas of uneven ground, headstones, vases, & hidden objects that may cause loss of footing and/or serious fall.  We do not recommend coming after dark, as the chance of a fall will increase.

Cemetery Information:


  • Crescent Cemetery does not have an office or full time staff. The sexton, Robert Stephens, is on site from time to time & can be reached at 801-870-4346 or .


  • Our grave plots are 4’ x 8’, with a west (head) to east (foot) orientation.
  • Our Islamic plots are 4’ x 8’, with a slight southeast (head) to northwest (foot) angle.
  • Graves can be single depth (5’-0”) or double deep (7’-0”). Selection must be made before the first grave is dug.
  • Infant or cremains burials use 1/3 of a plot. You can split your plot or you can buy just a 1/3 plot for one burial.
  • You can bury an infant or cremains on top of a full sized buried vault.
  • There are some items that add to the cost of opening/closing a grave.
    • Double deep burial (1st vault buried below the 2nd vault). Not available in all locations.
    • Having a burial that starts after 3:30, or on a Saturday. Sunday & Holidays we are closed.
    • Witnessing/participating in the burial process.
    • Moving a headstone to accommodate the burial.


  • When the plot is sold, it will have a name listed as the owner(s). Over time, it is important to update the owner’s name to someone who is still living.  Having a plot in your great grandfather’s name that passed away in 1900 will make it hard for us to know who has the right to be buried in the plot.  Having the original certificate of ownership will solve most issues.  Once the grave is occupied, the deceased is considered the owner.
  • When you own a plot you are free to sell it, if you do not need it anymore. You must fill out a transfer/change/sell sheet with your information & the buyer’s information, so we will have record of who owns the plot.
  • When you buy a plot, you are not buying the actual ground; you are buying the “right” to be buried there.
  • There is a purchase limit of 6 graves per person/family.

Vaults & Caskets

  • All burials require a vault. A concrete vault is standard, but we do allow for a “green burial” with a polymer inverted vault. Polymer vaults cannot be used for a double deep burial.
  • Infant & Cremains do not require a vault, but they are required to be in a “direct bury” container.
  • The cemetery does not offer any mortuary, caskets, or concrete vaults, but we can supply the inverted polymer vaults.

Headstones & Markers

  • The cemetery does not sell, install, or maintain headstones. You are responsible for the care and maintenance of your headstone.  Mow strips that are less than 4” thick will break over time.  The cemetery is not responsible for breakage.  We dig a lot of holes in the cemetery & even though we compact the ground, it will settle & shift.  If the marker sinks or breaks, you will need to have it corrected.
  • All headstone placements need to be coordinated with the cemetery sexton, before they are placed.
  • Headstones that do not meet the cemetery requirements can be removed at the expense of the plot owner.
  • No part of the headstone may rest on another grave/plot.
  • You can NOT place a double wide headstone on a single wide double deep grave. NO.
  • We will place a temporary marker at the head of the grave. The marker will be removed when a permanent headstone is placed or when the sign degrades.
  • All headstones must be constructed of granite or brass & requires a 6” wide concrete or stone mow strip completely around the perimeter. Mow strip must be at least 4” thick.
  • Single wide markers (including double deep) may be no larger than 36” wide x 18” long x 32” tall. Maximum size with the mow strip would be 48” wide x 30” long.
  • Double wide markers may be no larger than 72” wide x 18” long x 32” tall. Maximum size including the mow strip would be 84” wide x 30” long.
  • Only 1 marker is allowed per grave.
  • If the grave is split into smaller units for infants or cremains, only the front headstone maybe raised, the other headstones, if any, are required to be flat.
  • We recommend headstones with built-in vases. This will allow you to display your decorations on mowing day.
  • Modifications to a headstone, which do not add to the beauty of the headstone, are not allowed.
  • Headstones may not be set during the winter months or in wet weather


  • Glass, marbles, shepherd’s hooks, & rocks are not allowed.
  • Artificial flowers are allowed, but they will be removed as they fade & degrade.
  • No fencing or border decoration of any kind is allowed around burial plots
  • No permanent plants or trees shall be planted without approval from the cemetery board.
  • Please do not leave expensive items or family heirlooms on the graves. The cemetery is not responsible for them.
  • Flowers on new graves will be removed after 7 days.
  • Missing or broken vases need to be replaced by plot owner.

Decorations-Winter Season

  • During the winter months, when we are not mowing, many decorations are allowed as long as they are not unsightly or encroach on other burial sites.  As decorations become weathered, damaged, or unsightly they will be removed.

Decorations-Mowing Season

  • Mowing season is from April to November, weather permitting.
  • We will do a spring clean up the first week of April & will remove everything. Please remove any decorations that you wish to keep before then.  You can also watch for a temporary sign by the garbage can, a couple of weeks before we start the spring clean up. The clean up may take a few days.
  • Mowing day is every Monday. The only exceptions are the Sunday before Memorial Day & bad weather.
  • Any items on the grass, mow strip, or headstone will be removed for mowing.
  • Flowers/decorations in a built-in vase are acceptable. Items must be a safe distance from mower & trimmers.
  • Allowances will be made for holidays that fall on a Sunday.


  • Do NOT park on State Street, the curb, park strip, or the sidewalk. Only park in marked parking stalls.
  • Park close to the edge of the concrete, away from the fence, so other cars can pass.
  • PLEASE, do not hit the fence.

How you can help

  • Please keep all of your activities at the cemetery quiet & peaceful, so others can enjoy the cemetery as well.
  • Please keep your dog on a leash at all times & clean up after them.
  • Please put your cigarette butts & trash in the garbage can or dumpster.
  • If you see other trash/litter lying around, please put it in the garbage can or dumpster.
  • The dumpster is for cemetery related trash, not for home or business trash.


Thank you.  If you have any concerns or questions about the maintenance of the cemetery, please contact the sexton, Robert Stephens at 801-870-4346